After my article, The Dark Alleys in Young Adult Fiction went live, there was a lot of confusion over whether I was advocating censorship of speculative fiction as a genre. The status update on the Facebook post read, "Many parents think any book is better than TV, but the fantasy in some young adult fiction leads our kids to places we would never want them to go.”

I think whoever wrote that status to accompany the article probably meant sexual fantasy since that was what I was writing about. I meant only to advocate parental awareness of the sexual content in YA fiction. It was my goal to help parents and teens continue reading sexually clean stories and equip them with the tools to find those books. Are you unsure if your child should be reading sci fi and fantasy? You can pre-order my book, On Magic and Miracles: A Theological Guide to Discerning Fictional Magic.

Yet since there was a lot of confusion about sci fi/fantasy genres, I've compiled a list of resources for finding speculative fiction written by Christian authors. I have not read all of these books, so please do not take this as my stamp of approval on the individual books you find on these sites. I encourage you to use the guidelines at the end of the Dark Alleys article linked above for every book you or your child picks up. Just because it's labeled "Christian" doesn't mean it's sexually clean.

Authors, if you write clean speculative fiction, please feel free to leave a comment with links to your website.


Lorehaven Library

Enclave Books

Bethany House

Redeemed Reader

Plugged-In book reviews

Book Reviews for Christian Families Facebook Group

Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Facebook group

Authors for Teen/YA Christian Fiction Bookshelf Facebook Group

Christian Speculative Fiction Facebook group

Christian Books - Connecting Readers and Authors

Avid Readers of Christian Fiction Facebook Group

My own Facebook group: On Magic and Miracles: Reader Community



Request that your local Christian bookstore carry more speculative fiction or a specific book.

Ask the library in your city to buy certain books/authors.

Found an author you like? Check their website for book reviews and recommendations.

If you're still unsure about a specific title, look up their publisher. They may have a content standard on their website. 



